Make sure you've added all of your contact info, along with your photo, to your profile.
How to edit your profile:
- Log into your LoLo account.
- Click on your name in the upper left hand corner (inside the black bar at the top of the screen).
- Choose “Edit Profile.”
- Make your updates
- Click "Submit" at the bottom of the form.
You can edit the following from the profile:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address*
- Phone Number
- Website
- Realtor License Number
- Password
- Photo
- Alcohol Gift Preferences (click for more details about these settings)
Scroll down below your profile settings to view a preview of how your info will look in the gift emails.
(NOTE: The example gift is randomly selected and may not be something you can/will send or something from your area.)
*Can't edit your email address? If the email address on your account is grayed out this means you have a CRM system sync in place that is supplying the matching email address inside the CRM. To edit your email address, edit it inside your CRM.