To add new recipients to your account:

Inside your LoLo account, click on the “My Contacts” tab.

You have two options for adding contacts:

Choose the Green “Import Contacts” button to bulk add a list of contacts

  • Your file must be saved as a .CSV file format. (If you’re unsure how to format the file, you can download an “Example CSV” from our import contacts page)

  • You’ll match your columns on import, so the order doesn’t matter in your spreadsheet.

  • Include a zip code for each contact to allow our platform to match them to the best gift area, OR include a gift area choice for each contact. You can edit this during import.

Choose the Blue “New Contact” button to add a single contact to the system. 

  • You’ll manually add their name, email and/or mobile number, and gift area

Don't see buttons to add or import contacts? Your company may have a CRM integration in place that allows edits inside of the CRM only. To add contacts, log into your CRM and tag or group contacts there. Your CRM and LoLo accounts will sync and contacts will move over to LoLo. You'll make all contact edits inside your CRM.