On average across all accounts we see a 5% redemption rate. This means that your recipients will each use 1-2 of the gifts per year. Some recipients will use far more than that, some won’t use them at all, however, we see that the interactions and engagement rates stay steady even when gifts aren’t redeemed - in fact our average engagement rate with the gifts over a 365 day period is 82%!

What does this mean? It means that people enjoy receiving the gifts and open them up for more details each month, even if they never make it to the business to redeem the gifts. Each time they interact, they see you and think of you - which is the whole purpose of LoLo - to keep you top of mind for business and referral opportunities.

Redemptions are icing on the cake and we love when they happen, but they don’t indicate success for you in terms of staying in touch with your contacts. Every single interaction, regardless of redemptions, is a success!